Break up
Feeling hurt due to the end of a relationship? Let's talk
Good therapy or pseudo-therapy? Beware of the differences.
What are the characteristics of a good therapist? Check here and protect yourself from ineffective psychotherapy.
ENS – Emotional Needs Scale
Are your Innate Emotional Needs being met? Answer this questionnaire and find out
Discover highly sensitive people… maybe you are one of them!?
About 20% of us has born as a Highly Sensitive Person. Check if you are a HSP and what is different about you. You can also learn how to accept and empower yourself.
Trauma Questionnaire
Have you been disturbed by traumatic events? Is your behaviour and feeling conditioned by past traumatic circumstances? Take this questionnaire. You can be helped and things will change.
There is hope for trauma treatment.
Your brain and PTSD / how trauma can affect you / effective treatment for trauma.
Anxiety first-aid
Are you worrying all the time and having trouble relaxing? Maybe you have good reasons to do it. You just need to learn how to manage your emotional brain. In one to three sessions you can find tools to deal with the challenges in your life and find peace inside of you.
Code of Ethics
Check here our Code of Ethics
Are your Innate Needs being met?
Do you feel something is missing in your life? Are you trying to fulfil your natural emotional needs with unhealthy stuff? Take a time to understand what is going on - sit back and answer these questions. If you need help we are here to guide you - contact-us.