Anxiety first-aid

Are you feeling nervous, anxiety, or on edge? Maybe worrying all the time and having trouble relaxing. Or becoming easily annoyed or irritable…feeling afraid of the future?
In prehistoric times, sleeping too deeply or relaxing too much could have been potentially fatal. If our cave ancestors let their guard down, they could easily have become ex-caveman. You are here because your ancestors were alert and survived the immense dangers they faced.
Therefore, the common symptoms of generalized anxiety – inability to sleep properly, inability to relax, hypervigilance and worry have saved our lives in the past, and still, save lives when activated properly. They have a specific function and help us to survive. Do not beat yourself for being hypervigilant – you just need to learn how to manage your emotional brain.
The emotional brain, the oldest part of the brain in evolutionary terms, cannot distinguish between an
imaginary threat and a real external danger. Such misuse of the imagination is one of the main reasons people have problems.
Today’s “predators” are more likely to be a rude boss, an embittered ex-spouse, a house mortgage or a troubled teenager. But as far as your nervous system is concerned, they’re no different from a creature who’s about to treat you to dinner.
When we are anxious, preoccupied, and hypervigilant about everything all the time, something is wrong. Most of us are not in constant danger. Fearing the worst, worrying about everyday things, and constantly expecting disaster is exhausting.
While medications can help calm your symptoms, they don’t help you learn how to control your emotional response. Psychotherapy, including Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy (CBT) combined with hypnotherapy is most effective in this regard. But the best is to include your self-awareness, your cognition, your physiology and your imagination in the process of managing your life.
Too much emotion makes us “simple minded”
Never forget that there is a direct link between the level of emotional arousal and stupidity. Emotions have their place in emergencies and for survival purposes but tend to get in the way elsewhere in our lives because they narrow down our attention too much. The rule is: the more emotionally aroused we are, whatever the emotion – pleasant or unpleasant – the more simple-minded we are.
I combine Guided Imagery and deep central nervous system relaxation techniques so that your cerebral cortex can rationalize and use its full potential to face the “imaginary predators” in your life.
At the same time, we will appeal to your conscious mind to help you rationalize the reality of your fears.
Is it time to take a well-deserved rest from fear and face life with a smile?
I am here to help