10 online dating mistakes to avoid
Online dating can be stressful or can be fun. It's how you do it that can make a difference
If you’re experiencing a mental health crisis or an emergency, there are various services you can access for immediate support.
Anger – the courage to transform it
We all feel angry at times – it's part of being human. It isn't a 'bad' emotion; in fact, it is a useful, energizing emotion in its place. It drives us into action against threats, it allows us to define our boundaries, it can help us to realize when something is not working for us and encourage change or motivate us to achieve our goals. Can even be a catalyst for social change. However, anger becomes a serious problem when you express your anger through destructive behaviour. This means you react angrily when something does not go as you wish and your well-being and the well-being of people around you…
Boundaries – Why we need to be clear about what is ours and what is not!
Boundaries - In what regards my own space and my boundaries, what are the things that I have a right to? And a responsibility to? Because, if I have a right to it, I also have a responsibility for it. These are interesting questions, that will help me to define and defend my domain. So, let's see...
Understand your “emotional brain”
Understanding your emotional brain is understanding yourself. Knowledge is power.
About self-harm – So confusing and upsetting for parents
Self-harm - so upsetting. Learn to deal with it.
Our approach to therapy – 6 dimensions for powerful change
Here you will check our therapeutic principles and the general structure of our programs. However, we are all unique! So, a flexible approach is in place so we can adapt to your preferences and specific needs. You know best what you like or dislike and we are here to serve you.
4 Stages of dating for women – Enjoying the process
According to John Grey1, there are 4 stages of dating: : Attraction Uncertainty Commitment Intimacy By this order. Take the time to really get to know each other. Moving in through these 4 stages of dating assures that you get the opportunity to fully know someone and experience the best and the worst of that person before getting married. If you are quick to fall in love, be careful to proceed slowly and let the relationship pass the test of time. Only time will tell you if he is the right person and most important, only time will tell him you are the right woman. If things go too quickly,…
How to support your men
Please keep this in mind when interacting with your partner, brother, father, colleague... You have the power to transform your relationships.
Do you wish to be in a relationship? How to prepare yourself to be “the one”.
So, do you think you are ready to start a relationship? Maybe yes, maybe not. Take a look and find out. You may be surprised.