Urgent Help
If you’re experiencing a mental health crisis or an emergency, there are various services you can access for immediate support. These are unlikely, however, to provide any nutritional guidance.
Samaritans – confidential support for people experiencing feelings of distress or despair. Phone: 116 123 (free 24-hour helpline).
Charities and Organisations
In addition to Food For the Brain, there are lots of other charities and organisations supporting individuals with mental health conditions.
Please see below for further information:
Men’s Health Forum – 24/7 stress support for men by text, chat and email.
Anxiety UK – for those suffering with an anxiety condition
Beat – supports anyone affected by eating disorders. Helplines for adults and young people, online, peer and group support across the UK.
Depression UK – A UK self-help organisation that offers support to its members who suffer from depression or care for those who do.
Bipolar UK – for those living with manic depression or bipolar disorder
No Panic – for those suffering with phobias and/or obsessive compulsive disorders
Smart Recovery UK – offering face-to-face and online groups helping people to confront problems with alcohol and drug abuse.
Alzheimer’s Society UK – charity offering support for those with Alzheimer’s, as well as their carers and family
Mencap – charity offering support for people with learning disabilities, as well as their carers and family.
Family Action – provides practical, emotional and financial support to those who are experiencing poverty, disadvantage and social isolation across England
Relate – offer a range of services to help with couple and family relationships, including counselling and therapy.
Action for Happiness – Action for Happiness is not-for-profit creating a movement of helping people to take practical action drawing on the latest scientific research.
Mind – wide range of services relating to mental health including therapy
services, self-help groups and alternative therapies.
For perinatal mental health support for both mothers and fathers, visit the website for PANDAS Foundation
For Birth Trauma and birth related PTSD support visit Birth Trauma Association UK
Accessing Psychotherapy
BACP – British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy – find a suitable registered therapist for your needs.
IAPT – Improving Access to Psychological Therapies – NHS Psychological Therapies Service – offering recommended therapies such as cognitive behavioural therapies for common problems such as depression and anxiety on the NHS.