ENS – Emotional Needs Scale
© Human Givens Institute (For more information visit: www.hgi.org.uk)
Nature has programmed all of us with physical and emotional needs. These are the ‘human givens’ that cannot be avoided. How stressed we are, depends on how well our needs are being met, and how well we deal with the situation when they are not. Rate, in your judgment, how well the following emotional needs are being met in your life now, on a scale of one to five (where 1 means not met at all, and 5 means being very well met).
Instructions: The following questions ask you about your feelings and experiences during the last month. In each case please indicate with a tick how often you felt or behaved a certain way.
1 = never 2 = almost never 3 = sometimes 4 = fairly often 5 = very often
- In the last month how often have you felt secure in all major areas of your life?
- In the last month how often have you felt that you have received enough attention?
- In the last month how often have you felt in control of your life?
- In the last month how often do you feel you have been able to have some influence over local issues affecting you?
- In the last month how often have you felt a strong connection with friends?
- In the last month how often have you had the time for reflection?
- In the last month how often have you interacted with people from your wider community?
- In the last month how often have you engaged in hobbies/sports activities with others?
- In the last month how often have you felt you have had status that is acknowledged?
- In the last month how often have you felt valued and respected by your friends?
- In the last month how often have you felt you are achieving something in your life?
- In the last month how often have you felt competent in your main occupation?
- In the last month how often have you felt that there are people who need you?
- In the last month how often have you felt that life is meaningful?
- If your scores are mostly low, you are more likely to be suffering stress symptoms.
- If any need is scored 2 or less this is likely to be a major stressor for you.
- Even if only one need is marked very low it can be enough of a problem to seriously effect your mental and emotional stability.
By highlighting areas in your life where your essential needs aren’t being met as well as they could be, you can use this questionnaire to help you think constructively about how your life could be improved.
If you want to learn more about your Innate Emotional Needs click here