Empowering Love – Parenting resilient children

Is it difficult to create and stick to daily routines?

Are you struggling to cope with your child stress?

Are you handling tantrums, defiance, and other challenging behaviours effectively?

Are you struggling to manage conflicts and competition between siblings?

Do you and your partner have different parenting styles?

Would you like to engage in open and effective communication with your children?

You are not alone


Parenting today presents unique and complex challenges, as parents navigate an ever-evolving landscape of societal expectations, technological advancements, and economic pressures.

Balancing work and family life has become increasingly demanding, with many parents struggling to find quality time to spend with their children amidst busy schedules.

The pervasive influence of technology and social media introduces new concerns around screen time, cyberbullying, and online safety.

Additionally, parents face heightened pressure to provide academic support and extracurricular opportunities in an increasingly competitive world.

These challenges are compounded by rising mental health issues among both parents and children, making it crucial for families to seek out resources and support systems to foster healthy and nurturing home environments.

Find support, share your concerns and learn effective skills to empower yourself and your children.

Joint us in this journey towards a peaceful home and resilient children.

Your journey

Workshops include 8 sessions of 2 hours each, with about 10 parents with kids ages between 2 and 11, or between 12 and 16.

We will learn skills through individual and paired practice, and group discussions. This is an opportunity to meet other parents, share ideas and problems and support each other.

You will get the opportunity to practice with your kids throughout the week, then debrief on progress at the start of each new session.

Session I: Kids and emotions – helping children deal with feelings

An exploration of what happens to children when their feelings are denied. Specific skills that help children to recognize and cope with their negative feelings: disappointment, envy, frustration, resentment, anger, etc. Ways to accept children’s feelings, limit unacceptable behaviour, and still maintain goodwill.

Session II: Engaging Cooperation Without Threats, Bribes and Yelling

How children react to commonly used methods to get them to cooperate: threats, warnings, orders, name-calling, sarcasm, lecturing, etc. Find ways to invite cooperation that will leave you and your children feeling good about themselves and each other.

Session III: a Nonviolent communication approach as alternative to punishment

How do children normally react to punishment? Is it necessary to rely on punishment as a means of discipline? Some alternatives to punishment that enable parents to express their strong disapproval as well as encourage children to assume responsibility for their behaviour.

Session IV: Encouraging Responsibility and Autonomy

Ways to help children become separate, responsible people who can one day function on their own. Specific skills that help children to become more self-reliant.

Session V: Effective Ways to Praise

An exploration of the kinds of praise that build a positive and realistic self-image, and the kinds that are counter-productive. A variety of ways to help our children become aware of their strengths so that they can become confident and resilient.

Session VI: Freeing Children from Negative Roles

A look at how children are sometimes cast into roles (bully, whiner, dawdler, mischief-maker, etc.) and how we can free them from playing out these roles. Six skills that help children see themselves in a different and more positive light.

Session VII: Energy and how to save it

Good news: your children need you healthy and happy. When we feel well, and in good company, and healthy and rested, we can give to our children and enjoy doing it.

Session VII: Final Review

“Back-to-life” workshop session; a chance to consolidate what’s been learned by applying all the skills of the previous sessions to current problems with children.

Do you want to change the world? Learn new parenting skills

Invest in you, invest in your family, invest in achieving real success – a balanced and cheerful family.

And that will resonate through generations.

That’s how we change the world.

The workshops take place on Saturday afternoon, from 2 pm to 4 pm. Includes 8 sessions.

You can come as a couple or as an individual.


One parent: £120 (£15/session)

Both parents: £200 (£25/session)

Our mission is to provide access to anyone who needs our workshops. If you prefer, you can pay for your workshop in three instalments if you use PayPal.

Would you like to be considered to participate?